Rating Flexbox
A basic rating
You can use any available icon as rating indicator
You can specify any color of the FUI color palette
Partial Ratings
You can use decimal values for showing partially filled ratings
A rating can be started in non-interactive mode by adding a disabled
A rating can vary in size
Setting existing values
The icon can be set either using metadata value data-icon
or the setting icon
The starting rating can be set either using metadata value data-rating
or the setting initialRating
The maximum rating can be be set using the metadata value data-max-rating
or the settings maxRating
, or you can just include the icon HTML yourself on initialization to avoid the overhead of the DOM template insertions

Read-Only Ratings
You can disable or enable interactive rating
Clearing Ratings
When clearable is set to true
you can clear the rating by clicking on the current start rating.
You can specify the icon, starting rating and max rating in metadata.
You can specify the icon and rating values in Javascript
Without Javascript
If you don't need user interaction, you can use the rating module as a pure read-only CSS element
All the following behaviors can be called using the syntax:
Behavior | Description |
set rating(rating) | Sets rating programmatically |
get rating | Gets current rating |
disable | Disables interactive rating mode |
enable | Enables interactive rating mode |
clear rating | Clears current rating |
destroy | Destroys instance and removes all events |
Rating Settings
Rating settings modify the rating's behavior
Setting | Default | Description |
icon | star | The icon classname |
initialRating | 0 | A number representing the default rating to apply |
maxRating | 4 | The maximum rating value |
fireOnInit | false | Whether callbacks like onRate should fire immediately after initializing with the current value. |
clearable | auto | By default a rating will be only clearable if there is 1 icon. Setting to true/false will allow or disallow a user to clear their rating |
interactive | true | Whether to enable user's ability to rate |
Callbacks specify a function to occur after a specific behavior.
Setting | Context | Description |
onRate(value) | Rating | Is called after user selects a new rating |
DOM Settings
DOM settings specify how this module should interface with the DOM
Setting | Default | Description |
namespace | rating | Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element. |
selector |
selector : {
icon : '.icon'
className |
className : {
active : 'active',
hover : 'hover',
loading : 'loading'
Debug Settings
Debug settings controls debug output to the console
Setting | Default | Description |
name | Rating | Name used in debug logs |
silent | false | Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings. |
debug | false | Provides standard debug output to console |
performance | true | Provides standard debug output to console |
verbose | false | Provides ancillary debug output to console |
error |
error : {
method : 'The method you called is not defined'